Minggu, 05 Desember 2010

Radar Speed With Dopler Effect

Radar speed gun is also known as radar or laser speed gun is a gun or gauge the speed of motor vehicles by the principle Dopler effect, is a device used in law enforcement and research traffic problems or to measure the speed of the ball and Smash in badminton.

The workings of radar speed

Working on the basis Dopler effect, where the tool / radar transmits a radar wave velocity that is directed at a moving object (car) and reflected back into the tool for later by this device measured the speed of the object.
Source: wikipedia.org

Sabtu, 16 Oktober 2010

Momen Inertia

I. Purpose

1. Learn the principles of the angular velocity
2. Determining Moment of Inertia Foil
3. Determining Moment of Inertia Trunk
II. Base Teory

mber you are with the statement of Newton's first law? Is there a relationship with a proportion of weight in the introduction above? Newton's First Law has indirectly provided the terms of an object is said to be in equilibrium, namely:

1. External force acting on the body must be equal to zero,
To see the formula Download it .. (1)

2. External torque experienced by each point on the object must equal zero denagn,

To see the formula Download it .. (2)

Equilibrium is meant here is the static equilibrium. If you notice, the tendency of any movement is clockwise or counterclockwise spin denagn a clockwise direction. Well, to that requirements for kesetimbanagn static selanjutya happens is the amount of torque that tends to produce clockwise rotation of each point must be equal to the amount of torque that tends to produce counter-clockwise rotation of that point.

What actually is meant by the torque that? Torque actually has several other names, such as torque, moment of force and torque. Torque is the ability of a force to be able to cause rotational movement of the objects surrounding the axis putanya. The amount of torque to a point equal to the multiplication of force with moment arm.

To see the formula Download it .. (3)

where is torque, F state work force, and d is the moment arm, namely the length of the line from pivot point to cut the line perpendicular to the work force.
The relationship between the angular momentum of rigid body fixed coordinate system with its center at the center of gravity, the moment acting on it is
To see the formula Download it .. (4)
Angular momentum is expressed in the relationship between angular velocity and inertia tensor with the equation:
To see the formula Download it .. (5)
Angular velocity in the z-axis direction, so only have one component:
To see the formula Download it .. (6)
With the object of inertia tensor component in the direction of axis z. In this case then:
To see the formula Download it .. (7)
Moment of force:
To see the formula Download it .. (8)

To see the formula Download it .. (9)
So the equation of motion becomes:
To see the formula Download it .. (10)
From here obtained
To see the formula Download it .. (11)
Moment of inertia of the object () with density is
To see the formula Download it .. (12)

a. For a thin disk of radius r and mass m is obtained:

From the data plate:
2r = 0.350 m
m = 0.829 kg
The average value of moment of inertia:
b. For a thin rod of mass m and length l
From the data bars:
m = 0.158 kg
l = 0.730 m
The average value of moment of inertia:

c. For the mass point with distance r from the axis of rotation is obtained:

For measurement, the selected range r = 0.15 m
From the regression line of figure 3. with an exponential equation

(Is the moment of inertia of the rod), obtained exponent

Measurements performed with m = 0.2 kg
From the regression line of figure 4. values obtained

IV. Working Procedure
1. Read bismillah before you start experimenting!
2. Prepare equipment to be used!
3. Set-up equipment as shown below!
4. Determine the value of the mass variation on the hollow stem with your fingers still!
5. Attach yarn that has been given a load on the axis of rotation!
6. Turn on the blower. Note the swivel angle!
7. Determine the value of t and T with the transfer switch and the driver's set of the Counter!
8. Perform steps 5-7 on each stem mass variation!
9. Determine the value of the radius variation on the hollow stem with a fixed mass!
10. Perform steps 5-7 on each stem radius variation!
11. Weigh the disk mass moment of inertia to be searched!
12. Measure each variation of the radius of the disc!
13. Perform steps 5-7 on each disc radius variations!
14. Record your observations as data Interim Report!
15. End with hamdalah!

V. Evaluation
1. What is anguler speed, torque, moment and center of mass?
2. How do you obtain the angular acceleration from the moment of inertia data objects? Explain!
3. How about turning radius, whether the influence of Inertia Moment object? Explain!

VI. Referer
[1] Manual Physics Laboratory Experiments, PHYWE Systeme GmbH & Co. KG . D-37070 Göttingen

Rabu, 13 Oktober 2010



I. Objectives
1. Study the working principles of the mathematical pendulum2. Determining the period of oscillation as a function of wire length for a small deviation3. Determining the value of gravitational acceleration
II. Basic Theory
If the mass point be drawn to one side of its equilibrium position and released, the mass will oscillate around its equilibrium position.Consider the forces acting on a simple pendulum based on the graphic below!

Trajectory of motion of the pendulum is not a straight line, but the form of arc of a circle with a radius equal to the length l string.Restoring force F is the tangential component of the total force:If a small angle, very close to in radians. With this approach, equation (1) becomes:

I. Tools and Materials
Steel ball with eyelet, d = 24.4 mm and d = 32 mm
Meter scale, l = 1000 mm
Fish line, l = 100 m
Right angle clamp-PASS-
Tripod base-PASS-

II. Working Procedure
1. Read bismillah before you start experimenting
2. Prepare equipment to be used!
3. Set-up equipment as shown below!
4. Put the pendulum at one end of the rope which is free!
5. distorted pendulum with angle deviation 50
6. release the pendulum, let it swing up to ten swing!
7. record of 10 pendulum swing!
8. Repeat the measurements for different length of rope!
9. Record your observations as a temporary report data!
10. End with hamdalah!

I. Evaluation

1. What is a deviation, amplitude, frequency and period of a simple pendulum system?

2. What should you do with a simple pendulum length of rope to a) doubling the frequency, b)
doubling the period, c) doubling the frequency of its corners?
3. A simple pendulum has a period of 1.60 s special on earth. How many periods on the surface
of Mars, where g = 3.71 m/s2?
4. Make a graph of the relationship between periods as a function of the length of string and
graph the relationship between periods as a function of angle of deviation in a simple pendulum
system based on experimental data which you get!

Senin, 11 Oktober 2010

Explaining the principle of the conversion of analog and digital data

DAC is a device that is able to produce an analog voltage equivalent to the digital data provided to him. Simple DAC can be made from the R-2R ladder like the following picture:

DAC is a device That Is Able to Produce an analog voltage equivalent to the digital data provided to uterus. Simple DAC cans be made from the R-2R ladder picture like the Following:
The composition of R-2R ladder 8 bits will divide the voltage value of 0-5 volts in 255 degrees, so that a degree will be worth 5 / 255 Volt (19.5 mV). So if data is 31H (51 decimal) voltage produced is 51 x 19.5 = 994.5 mV = close to 1 volt.The use of IC DAC 0808 will be easier to obtain an analog voltage from the existing digital data. DAC 0808 pin configuration as follows:

An example circuit using the DAC 0808 DAC is shown in the following figure:
In the Figure, R5M  from Vref connected to Vcc, this means the maximum current that flows 5V / 5 M  = 1 mA. Factoring out the output voltage obtained from this current feedback op amp resistance so 1mAx5M  = 5 volts. Therefore, the DAC has a data width of 8 bits, the maximum number 255 (0FFH). Thus if there is data 100 then the result is 100x5/255 = 1.96 VDC can be made from the parallel arrangement of several comparator (depending the desired data width), but processing is not as simple as the DAC. The following are examples of 3 bit DAC.

Facilitate the use of IC ADC 0804 ADC application. Here is a picture ADC0804 pin layout.For more details download it in the format document linked below .....

Download Format Documen Word

Resources  :
o www.datasheet4u.com

Kamis, 19 Agustus 2010

Basic Physics 1

Matter Physics 1 Includes:

1. Quantities and Units Download Content
2. Vector
3. Momentum Momentum
4. Kinematics
5. Business and Energy
6. Impulse and Momentum
8. Equilibrium
9. Gravity
10. Fluid


First post, this blog is made for students of Physics who was having trouble finding or can also be a reference to find the material. as I have also sometimes difficult to find the material even if only to just copy and paste. Insy this blog will update as I always update my semester.
thanks to all those who have given support and also to Mr. Fikri Thaqibul who have provided guidance for this as my PA.